Catch up online: IFLA International Webinar Conference on Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy NewsSally RobertshawDecember 8, 2024Pedagogy, Global Studio Program, GSP, IFLA GSP, Education, EAA
IFLA International Webinar Conference on Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy NewsSally RobertshawNovember 6, 2024IFLA, Pedagogy, Education, Studio
IFLA calls for entries for "Landscape Knowledge Hub" NewsSally RobertshawJanuary 11, 2024Knowledge Hub, IFLA, Education, Jobs, Mobility, Organisations, Products, Goeportals
U.S. Department of Homeland Security designates landscape architecture a STEM degree program NewsSally RobertshawJuly 13, 2023ASLA, Stem, Subject, Education, Landscape Architecture
IFLA APR Talk and Share video - catch up on the 'Climate Change & Transformation of Education in Landscape' session NewsSally RobertshawJanuary 25, 2023IFLA APR, Talk and Share, Webinar, Climate Change, Education, Claire Martin, Monica Kuo, Rosale Monacello, Elisa Cattaneo
Landscape Architecture Education and Professional Practice and Its Future Challenges in Landscape Design, Planning, Conservation and Management NewsSally RobertshawNovember 7, 2021LAND journal, Education, Professional Practice
The Land Special Issue - Call for papers on address the synergies between academic programmes and professional organisations NewsSally RobertshawDecember 16, 2019Education, Assessment, University, Land