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Kick-Off Meeting: IFLA Global Studio Program

It is with pleasure that IFLA announce that on Thursday May 9th, 2024, the first public meeting of the GSP - Global Studio Program will be held on occasion of the IFLA Americas Regional Conference 2024, that takes place in Buenos Aires.

The IFLA GSP - Global Studio Program is the first experimental attempt by IFLA to solicit coordination across the major global landscape events with students charette in 2024, in particular covering the IFLA Europea, Asia Pacific, Americas, and Middle East region.

The meeting of Thursday May 9th is an introductory one and will see the presentation of the program alongside that of the landscape architecture schools that expressed intention to participate in the GSP with their students and tutors. Also, the Regional IFLA Education and Academic Activities Chairs, together with the President of the ECLAS - European Council of Landscape Architecture as well as the Immediate Past President of CELA - Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, will express their expectations from the GSP.

FInally, after the organizers of the charettes already under advanced development -e.g., the one on occasion of the Istanbul IFLA World Congress 2024 Charette- wil present the topic and didactic methodology of their charette, a short debate will be open to the tutors representing the schools that joined the GSP.

The meeting will be broadcasted through Zoom and it is open to anyone interested. It will be about 1h. long.



Washington ​08.00 AM

Buenos Aires​09.00 AM

London​​13.00 PM

Berlin​​14.00 PM

Gaborone​14.00 PM

Istanbul​​15.00 PM

Riyadh​​15.00 PM

Shanghai​​20.00 PM

Wellington​00.00 AM (+1)



1. Alessandro Martinelli, IFLA World EAA

general introduction (3 minutes)

2. Rafael Dodera, IFLA Americas EAA

highlight of the IFLA Americas Regional Conference, introduction of regional participants and expectations (7 min.)

3. Attila Toth, IFLA Europe EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (5 min.)

4. Goabamang Lethugile, IFLA Africa EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (5 min.)

5. Amer Habibullah, IFLA Middle East EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (5 min.)

6. Wenshan Huang, IFLA Asia Pacific EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (7 min.)

7. Sukran Sahin, IFLA World Congress Istanbul Organization Team Member

​introduction to Istanbul IFLA World Congress 2024 Charette (7 min.)

8. Ellen Fetzer, ECLAS President

​Expectations and suggestions from the perspective of ECLAS (5 min.)

9. Chingwen Cheng, CELA Immediate Past President

​Expectations and suggestions from the perspective of CELA (5 min.)

10. The IFLA GSP Meeting Panel and the tutors from the participating schools

​Open debate (15 min.) ​


Zoom Link:

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
Meeting ID: 991 8242 9011