Filtering by: IFLA

AIPH Green City Briefing: Planting for managing urban heat
8:00 AM08:00

AIPH Green City Briefing: Planting for managing urban heat

Strategic planting in cities can reduce temperatures and improve air quality.

Join this online webinar: 19 September 2024 - , 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm BST, Online

This webinar briefing will focus on the importance and opportunities to plant trees and plants in urban areas to help mitigate the urban heat island effect. Hear from experts on the use of plants to create more sustainable and resilient cities.

More, including booking here.

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Circular Cities Summit 2.0
to Sep 12

Circular Cities Summit 2.0

Circular Cities Summit 2.0 is coming to Dubai, UAE on 11 September 2024.

Join us as we convene again, after a highly successful inaugural Circular Cities Network (CCN) 1.0 in Singapore, to celebrate and acknowledge the remarkable strides we have made in propelling us towards a sustainable future and building circular cities. At Circular Cities Network, our commitment to fostering sustainability knows no bounds. 

Circular Cities have grown and expanded their network with the following organisations:
ISOCARP - International Society of City and Regional Planners
IFLA International Federation of Landscape Architects
WFEO - World Federation of Engineering Organizations
UIA - International Union of Architects
World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN)
International Society for Urban Health (ISUH)
Society of Sustainability and Green Materials (SSGM)

Join us and inspire change!

More on the summit website here.

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2024 IFLA World Congress
to Sep 6

2024 IFLA World Congress

The 60th World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA), hosted by the UCTEA Chamber of Turkish Landscape Architects, will be held in Istanbul between 4-6 September 2024 with the theme "Code Red for Earth".

The IFLA World Congress is the most important annual event for the Landscape Architecture profession and the IFLA community. The World Congress offers professional development and networking opportunities for practitioners, entrepreneurs, faculty, researchers, students, journalists, as well as anyone interested in the impact of landscape architecture on our society, economy, and culture. It is also an international event where challenges in education as well as current trends and issues in professional practice are discussed and answers to all problems are sought.


Earth is experiencing an unprecedented rate of change. We are all living with ‘Code Red’. The scaleless and boundless nature of environmental crises creates an irreversible degradation in terrestrial, atmospheric, and aquatic environments that harm all living and their habitats. A considerable amount of the world’s population is affected daily by climate change and severe disasters, facing livelihood destruction, land-use change, habitat encroachment, extinction of species, and wildlife crime posing a significant threat to the future of the Earth and all living.

Herein, the 2024 IFLA 60th World Congress calls for humankind to take urgent action to prevent the worst impacts of environmental crises. Acknowledging human responsibility, the congress invites policymakers, professionals, scientists, and individuals on stage to establish discourse and course for the Earth’s future.

Addressing landscape architecture as a professional and academic practice that is deeply and firmly rooted in built environments’ relationship to nature, we intend to foreground the mediatory/mediating and catalytic role of Landscape Architecture and invite our esteemed scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners to join this pivotal world conference.

The three-day congress intends to discuss anthropogenic impacts on the Earth system and establish scenarios by forming an action-oriented interaction ground rather than only (re)pointing out the problems.

Congress Details:
Student Charrette 2024 / 1-3 September – İstanbul, Türkiye
IFLA ExCo 2024 / 1 September – İstanbul, Türkiye
IFLA World Council 2024 / 2-3 September – İstanbul, Türkiye
IFLA World Congress 2024 / 4-6 September – İstanbul, Türkiye
Important Dates:
Call for Abstract: 17 November 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2024 23.59 hours (GMT)
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 1 April 2024
Main Program Launching: 26 April 2024
Early Registration Deadline: 15 June 2024
Registration Deadline: 15 August 2024
For detailed information about the call, sub-themes, and guidelines, you can visit the congress website:

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2024 IFLA World Council
to Sep 3

2024 IFLA World Council

IFLA World Council will take place in Istanbul, The Marmara Taksim Hotel on September 2–3, 2024.

World Council Meeting Venue

The Marmara Taksim Hotel, Istanbul


Attendees for the World Council must register for this event independently from the World Congress. Registration is now open.

  • Official Delegates to IFLA should register via the form here, or if you are not able to send an official delegate please use the form to assign a proxy representative.

  • Observers should register via the form here.

The forms will close 13:00 CEST Wednesday 14th August after that point you will not be able to register for the World Council.

Please note that registration for the IFLA World Congress can be done via the congress website here.

Pre-World Council Information session

IFLA will be hosting Pre-World Council Virtual Session for any of our members to attend - this explain the agenda, how the council and voting will work and be an opportunity to ask any questions. This will be on Wednesday 21st August at 14.00 Brussels time. More about this here.


If you would like to book the Marmara Taksim Hotel, click the link here.

Alternative nearby options include:

Taxim Hill Hotel

TRYP By Wyndham Istanbul Sisli Hotel

AKKA Hotels Lush Taksim

Taksim Gonen Hotel

 There are some other recommended hotels also on the Congress website.

For hotel booking requests or if you need any further information, please contact Gaye Ertan Culha:

Turkish Airlines discounted tickets

Turkish Airlines is the official airline of IFLA 2024 World Council and World Congress in Istanbul, offering special discounts for all registered delegates. To proceed with the online booking tool, please visit Turkish Airlines promocode website and use the event code “003TKH24” under the Promotion code section.

Special discounts for round-trip tickets will be offered to all participants registered for the congress.
Experience Turkish Airlines flight and service privileges during IFLA 2024 World Council and World Congress.

•Discounted online tickets with the promotional code offered specifically for IFLA 2024 World Council and World Congress participants

•Discounted online tickets for your companion with the promotional code offered specifically for IFLA 2024 World Council and World Congress participants

For international participants arriving to Istanbul, Flights period covering 7 days before and after IFLA 2024 World Council and World Congress dates

Discounted rates for Business Class tickets
FOR C/D/J/K/Z CLASS %20 discount

Discounted rates for Economy Class tickets
FOR A/B/E/H/L/M/O/P/Q/S/T/U/V/W/Y CLASS %15 discount

For Local participants arriving to Istanbul , Flight period covering 2 days before and after IFLA 2024 World Council and World Congress dates.

Discounted rates for Business Class tickets
FOR C/D/J CLASS %10 discounts

Discounted rates for Economy Class tickets
FOR A/B/E/H/L/M/O/P/Q/S/T/U/V/W CLASS %10 discount

•Earn miles with Miles&Smiles program

•Applicability of existing Turkish Airlines rules for exchange and refund of tickets purchased with the promotional code offered specifically for IFLA 2024 World Council and World Congress

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Pre-IFLA World Council Virtual Session
1:00 PM13:00

Pre-IFLA World Council Virtual Session

IFLA will be hosting Pre-World Council Virtual Session for any of our members to attend - this will explain the agenda, how the council and voting will work and be an opportunity to ask any questions about how the 2 days will work.

This will be on Wednesday 21st August at 14.00 Brussels time (find equivalent global times here).  

The zoom link is here, Meeting ID: 929 4508 7725.

This will be recorded so if you cannot make it we will share the recording with our members afterwards. 

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Abstract Submission Deadline for UTC
12:00 AM00:00

Abstract Submission Deadline for UTC

The "Towards an International Landscape Convention - Rethinking Land Use" is a PhD workshop part of the Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) and a larger movement to establish an International Landscape Convention (ILC) by UN Habitat, which will provide a framework for the policy, planning, protection and management of landscape worldwide to help address global challenges.


Currently, there is no international legal instrument specifically addressing the policy, planning, protection and/or management of the everyday landscape.  While some special landscapes are protected under existing conventions, such as the UNESCO World Heritage Convention or the Convention on Biological Diversity, these instruments do not provide a comprehensive, integrated or holistic approach, recognise the immense restorative capacity of the land to address global challenges or understand landscape as the bedrock of society, the very infrastructure upon which we depend to survive and thrive. 


The proposal for an ILC aims to provide a framework to see this bigger picture, recognising the cultural, natural, and socio-economic value of land and by promoting collaboration among various stakeholders, including governments, civil society and local communities.


As part of development of the ILC, UTC in cooperation with IFLA invite PhD students around the world to showcase their research that is giving voice to this infrastructure, exploring the power of the physical, cultural, everyday landscape to ensure that it is no longer a blind spot but recognised as a vitally important resource to be looked after, resuscitated, celebrated; the very fabric of our identity, wellbeing, self-confidence and worth.


In particular, we invite current PhD candidates and those who have completed within the last two years to submit a Pecha Kucha-style presentation of 400 seconds, each presentation consisting of 20 slides, each shown for only 20 seconds before automatically progressing to the next one.  We are looking for work which expands the perceived boundaries of landscape architecture beyond the technical - research that is creative, original and unpublished. We welcome research that explores the bigger picture, the rich complexity of landscape and its contribution to quality of life and quality of the environment, its social, cultural, spatial or economic facets.


Key Dates

August 15th, 2024: Abstract submission deadline:  300 word abstract, setting out theme, subthemes, literature, methodology and findings

September 2nd, 2024: Notification of acceptance week commencing 2nd September

September 27th, 2024: Pecha Kucha submission of complete timed presentation (20 slides x 20 seconds, pdf format) to and

October 3rd, 2024: Presentation at BCU, Birmingham. We welcome submissions which can be presented in-person or remotely via MS Teams. The presentation language is English.

For more information, please download the brief here or email

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Deadline for Obel Award Teaching Fellowships
4:30 PM16:30

Deadline for Obel Award Teaching Fellowships

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024 teaching fellowships, which require teaching to start in 2025. The deadline to apply is July 1, 2024, and announcement of the winning candidates will take place in September 2024. The brief can be found here and more information is available through the dedicated website of the Foundation:

More here

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IFLA Reporting Sessions: Your Voice, Our Future
to May 29

IFLA Reporting Sessions: Your Voice, Our Future

IFLA Reporting Sessions: Your Voice, Our Future

Ready to discover the collective vision of IFLA members? Curious about our evolving governance structure? Join us for an informative and interactive reporting session to get the full picture and understand the next steps of this process. We believe in open dialogue and shared responsibility.


What to Expect:

  • Comprehensive overview: Get the full picture of our recent survey results. Your feedback has driven our work, and we're excited to share the findings.

  • Corporate Governance Preview: This is your chance to get a first look at our proposed corporate governance model, understand the changes, and ask questions.

  • Open Q&A: We want to hear from you! Bring your questions, concerns, and ideas to the table.


Choose Your Session:

We're offering three identical sessions to ensure everyone can participate.

  • Session 1: 27 May at 8 am GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

  • Session 2: 28 May at 1 pm GMT

  • Session 3: 29 May at 8 pm GMT


Don't Miss Out:

This is a critical opportunity to engage with the IFLA Corporate Governance Working Group (IFLA CGWG) and influence our path forward. Join us as we work together to build a stronger, more vibrant global community of landscape architects.


RSVP Today:

Please register through the following link:


We look forward to your active participation!

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Kick-Off Meeting: IFLA Global Studio Program
12:00 PM12:00

Kick-Off Meeting: IFLA Global Studio Program

It is with pleasure that IFLA announce that on Thursday May 9th, 2024, the first public meeting of the GSP - Global Studio Program will be held on occasion of the IFLA Americas Regional Conference 2024, that takes place in Buenos Aires.

The IFLA GSP - Global Studio Program is the first experimental attempt by IFLA to solicit coordination across the major global landscape events with students charette in 2024, in particular covering the IFLA Europea, Asia Pacific, Americas, and Middle East region.

The meeting of Thursday May 9th is an introductory one and will see the presentation of the program alongside that of the landscape architecture schools that expressed intention to participate in the GSP with their students and tutors. Also, the Regional IFLA Education and Academic Activities Chairs, together with the President of the ECLAS - European Council of Landscape Architecture as well as the Immediate Past President of CELA - Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, will express their expectations from the GSP.

FInally, after the organizers of the charettes already under advanced development -e.g., the one on occasion of the Istanbul IFLA World Congress 2024 Charette- wil present the topic and didactic methodology of their charette, a short debate will be open to the tutors representing the schools that joined the GSP.

The meeting will be broadcasted through Zoom and it is open to anyone interested. It will be about 1h. long.



Washington ​08.00 AM

Buenos Aires​09.00 AM

London​​13.00 PM

Berlin​​14.00 PM

Gaborone​14.00 PM

Istanbul​​15.00 PM

Riyadh​​15.00 PM

Shanghai​​20.00 PM

Wellington​00.00 AM (+1)



1. Alessandro Martinelli, IFLA World EAA

general introduction (3 minutes)

2. Rafael Dodera, IFLA Americas EAA

highlight of the IFLA Americas Regional Conference, introduction of regional participants and expectations (7 min.)

3. Attila Toth, IFLA Europe EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (5 min.)

4. Goabamang Lethugile, IFLA Africa EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (5 min.)

5. Amer Habibullah, IFLA Middle East EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (5 min.)

6. Wenshan Huang, IFLA Asia Pacific EAA

​introduction of regional participants and expectations (7 min.)

7. Sukran Sahin, IFLA World Congress Istanbul Organization Team Member

​introduction to Istanbul IFLA World Congress 2024 Charette (7 min.)

8. Ellen Fetzer, ECLAS President

​Expectations and suggestions from the perspective of ECLAS (5 min.)

9. Chingwen Cheng, CELA Immediate Past President

​Expectations and suggestions from the perspective of CELA (5 min.)

10. The IFLA GSP Meeting Panel and the tutors from the participating schools

​Open debate (15 min.) ​


Zoom Link:

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
Meeting ID: 991 8242 9011

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IFLA APR April Talk & Share - Towards Sustainable Futures: Bridging Circular Cities and Landscape Architecture
10:00 PM22:00

IFLA APR April Talk & Share - Towards Sustainable Futures: Bridging Circular Cities and Landscape Architecture

IFLA APR April Talk & Share - Towards Sustainable Futures: Bridging Circular Cities and Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architects are instrumental in implementing circularity concepts, using their expertise and technical skills to "bridge" the natural and cultural environment. In a circular economy, markets incentivize product reuse over disposal, minimizing the demand for extracting new resources. This strategy optimizes natural resource usage, fuels innovation, increases employment, cultivates new capabilities, and promotes environmental preservation.

To achieve sustainable urban development and enhance livability, it includes integrating Circular Economy principles into resource management. This month, IFLA APR will spotlight Circular Cities and the Circular Economy, emphasizing their significance to Landscape Architecture.

This session aims to:
1) Introduce the concept of Circular Cities and the Circular Economy model.
2) Showcase innovative projects that exemplify the Circular City concept, analyzing the underlying principles of the Circular Economy model.
3) Examine how landscape architects incorporate Circular Economy principles into their projects, highlighting effective implementation strategies and real-world applications.

More here.

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IFLA Africa Climate Change Working Group Webinar – Coastal Adaptation
9:00 AM09:00

IFLA Africa Climate Change Working Group Webinar – Coastal Adaptation

IFLA Africa Climate Change Working Group #04 – Coastal Adaptation

Date: 2 April 2024

Time: 18:00 – 19:00

The second speaker is:

Charles Buchanan - Sustainable Finance, Blue Economy, Impact Investing, ESG, Fund Structuring, Fund Raising (Cape Town, South Africa)

Charles works at EY in Cape Town and is passionate about building sustainable investment sector solutions that include blue/green bonds, carbon offset instruments and other ESG related financial instruments are a particular passion. His particular expertise is in combining these funding sources with on-the-ground initiatives run by NGO's and other custodians of natural assets in suitable funding structures to enable the conservation of natural assets whilst building a sustainable economy for communities and around the region where the natural asset is located.

Other experience is in developing and implementing growth and risk mitigation strategies across SME's and global institutions including risk management that covers all aspects of risk including investment, ESG, regulatory and enterprise risk.

Register here:

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3rd Webinar on Agricultural Landscapes 'Restoration of native woodlands and sustainable forestry'
1:00 PM13:00

3rd Webinar on Agricultural Landscapes 'Restoration of native woodlands and sustainable forestry'

IFLA Europe invites you to the 3rd Webinar on Agricultural Landscapes “Restoration of native woodlands and sustainable forestry” 22 March 2024, 13h CET organised by IFLA Europe Working Group on Agricultural Landscapes.

Our guest in this third Talk is Prof Ása L. Aradóttir, Professor, Department of Environmental & Forest Science at the Agricultural University of Iceland. This event is organised by IFLA Europe Working Group on Agricultural Landscapes as a series of events on the topic of agricultural landscapes.

Ása L. Aradóttir, Professor, Department of Environmental and Forest Science, Agricultural University of Iceland will talk about a reforestation project in Iceland to combat climate change and strengthen biodiversity.

Selma Pena, from the University of Lisbon, will illustrate the plans to replace the areas reforested with Eucalyptus with forests of native species, especially to combat forest fires.

Martin Pigeon will present the point of view and actions taken by FERN on the issue of sustainable forestry and issues such as how to manage timber production without forgetting the effects of forests on climate change, the supply of ecosystem services and the enhancement of biodiversity.

Matt King will present Vestre and its sustainable production.


13:00 Welcome by Katerina Gkoltsiou, IFLA Europe President

13:10 Introduction on webinar series by Francesca Neonato, Chair, IFLA EU Agricultural Landscapes Working Group, AIAPP Italy and Frida Bjorg Edvardsdottir, FILA Iceland

13:15 Presentation by Ása L. Aradóttir, Professor, Department of Environmental and Forest Science, Agricultural University of Iceland

13:30 Panel discussion

- Selma Pena, Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food (LEAF), School of Agronomy (ISA), University of Lisbon

- Martin Pigeon, FERN Forest and Climate Campaigner

- Matt King, VESTRE on sustainable production

Moderator: Steffi Schueppel, IFLA Europe Working Group Agricultural Landscapes, BAK/bdla Germany

14:00 Questions and Answers

14:30 Conclusions and closing

‘Talk with…’ is IFLA Europe project consisting of a series of webinars on the theme of rural landscapes, but in a broad sense, including other issues beyond agriculture, such as the resilience of systems, adaptation to the climate change, the soil consumption, the city-country relationship. The objective of these talks is to enhance the acknowledgement and the awareness of a wide audience about the focus role that Agricultural Landscapes play now and in the next years, facing huge challenges as the climate change, the extinction of species and loss of ecosystems.

The event is supported by Hunter FX Europe and Vestre

Please register in advance for this event on

#iflaeurope #landscapearchitecture #landscapearchitect #SustainableDesign #NatureBasedSolutions #agriculturallandscapes

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IFLA APR Talk and Share  - Navigating ethics in Landscape Architecture
7:00 PM19:00

IFLA APR Talk and Share - Navigating ethics in Landscape Architecture

IFLA APR Talk and Share - Navigating ethics in Landscape Architecture

This session will be focused on discussion on Navigating Ethics in Landscape Architecture and Tourism.

Here's a glimpse of what we'll be covering:

Understanding the pivotal role landscape architects play in creating sustainable and ethically responsible tourism spaces.

Identifying common ethical dilemmas and practices faced in the tourism sector.

Discussing the challenges and opportunities in upholding ethical design principles amidst evolving sustainability standards.

Delving into concepts such as "greenwashing," "eco" tourism, and the nuanced complexities of sustainable tourism from a landscape architecture perspective.

#IFLA #landscapearchitecture #TalkandShare #iflaapr #ecotourism #greenwashing

Reserve your spot here.

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Joint APAP Portugal - IFLA Europe Conference ‘Landscape architecture: a profession for the future’, 15 March 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
10:00 PM22:00

Joint APAP Portugal - IFLA Europe Conference ‘Landscape architecture: a profession for the future’, 15 March 2024, Lisbon, Portugal

Joint APAP Portugal - IFLA Europe Conference ‘Landscape architecture: a profession for the future’, 15 March 2024, Lisbon, Portugal

During the 2023 IFLA Europe General Assembly which was held in Naples, Italy, among lost and rescued landscapes, the awareness arose in a very intense and global way, that it is urgent to “Redeem” the identity of landscape architecture, beyond our peers.

This relevance - and urgency - of finding the “formula” for Landscape Architecture to “be recognised” goes beyond a simple identity crisis or the lack of recognition and professional appreciation that, throughout Europe, is experienced first person.

We must, as National Associations, have the courage to honour the arduous and fantastic role played so assertively, practically and concretely by the generations that preceded us and there is no better opportunity than the imbalances of the times in which we live.

Landscape Architecture knows how to act, organise and manage the landscape system, how to minimize imbalances caused by human actions and how to act with the landscape. For all these reasons, Landscape Architecture is the Profession of the future.

In this context, the Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects APAP intends to take advantage of IFLA Europe Executive Council’s presence in Portugal to reflect and establish a way of communicating beyond its peers and put all our skills, knowledge and tools at the service of the community and in a way that is imposed at the service of conscious and sustainable management of the Common House.

For this reason, APAP Portugal is inviting its associates and friends to participate in the APAP/IFLA EUROPE Conference “Landscape Architecture: a profession for the future”, which will be held on 15 March 2024, from 10:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Casa do Jardim da Estrela, in Lisbon.

The conference will be held in English.

More here.

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IFLA Africa Climate Change Webinar: Landscapes and Water
10:00 PM22:00

IFLA Africa Climate Change Webinar: Landscapes and Water

IFLA Africa Climate Change Webinar: Landscapes and Water
12th March 2024, 17:30 - 18:30 SAST

Sourav Kumar Biswas is the Director of Resilient Infrastructure at Sponge Collaborative, an interdisciplinary firm specializing in integrated planning and implementation of Nature-based solutions. He has more than 13 years of experience in urban and landscape planning, international development, geospatial analysis, and visual communication design. He has worked in more than 20 countries in Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. He is the lead author of 'The Sponge Handbook: Chennai' an authoritative visual compendium of Sponge City solutions published by GiZ India and co-editor of 'From the South: Global Perspectives on Landscape and Territory.' He has a Masters in Landscape Architecture from Harvard University and has worked with reputed design and international development firms including Sasaki, SLA, AECOM, GeoAdaptive, and Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure.

Link to register here.

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Symposium: Landscape architects as an Environment’s Healer? Before and Now
11:00 AM11:00

Symposium: Landscape architects as an Environment’s Healer? Before and Now

The aim of the symposium is to connect historical archives with contemporary debates on the role of landscape architects in a time of crisis. The symposium addresses the idea of ‘Environment’s Healer’ from a diverse perspective, and triggers the debate on the LA profession today and in the future.

The thematic background is written from the 13th IFLA Congress in Brussels in 1972, which had the title The gardener of the Earth is the environment's healer. At that time, the Norwegian landscape architect Olav Aspesæter, who then worked at NMBU, was IFLA's president (1970-1974). The invited speakers of this symposium will address the role of landscape architects from diverse perspectives.

Free admittance, but registration required, for both physical and online attendance. Please also note that the event will be recorded.

More information and booking here.

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Landscape Architecture Around the World: Results of the First Global Job Task Analysis
3:00 PM15:00

Landscape Architecture Around the World: Results of the First Global Job Task Analysis

Have you ever wondered what the landscape architecture profession looks like around the world?

Join us for this 90-minute webinar as we share the results of the first ever Global Job Task Analysis, conducted to gain a better understanding of the profession across the globe from the perspective of practitioners.

We now have a broader view of who is practicing landscape architecture and what the practice of landscape architecture entails. We'll explore the similarities and differences in practice globally, regionally and nationally — as well as the potential impact to the future of the profession.

The 2022 Global Survey of Practice was administered in 10 languages to 2,000+ participants representing 100+ countries. It was developed by a working group of landscape architects from around the world representing 11 countries and made possible through a partnership between the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and the Council for Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB). 

Featured speakers:

  • Adrienne W. Cadle, Professional Testing

  • Rebecca Moden, CLARB

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
3:00-4:30 p.m. ET

Free Zoom webinar for CLARB Council Record Holders

Register now here. Please use ‘IFLA2023’ as member number.

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Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture
to Nov 28

Barcelona International Biennial of Landscape Architecture



From the 27th to the 28th of November 2023, a new edition of the Barcelona International Landscape Biennial will take place to reflect on how to face future challenges in the built environment and evaluate how the landscape could become a primary tool to achieve climate change mitigation. The event will bring together, for one more year, professionals and experts in landscape architecture in the event that has become a reference on an international scale.

It includes the Rosa Barba Casanovas International Landscape Architecture Prize for the best-built landscape projects, the International Landscape Architecture School Prize, a Symposium revolving around the latest concerns in Landscape Architecturean exhibition of the Rosa Barba Prize finalist projects, and the launch of the Book-catalogue of the 11th Barcelona International Landscape Biennial (2021).

The first edition of the Barcelona International Landscape Biennial arises from the desire to deepen and generate debate about the landscape. Not only from an environmental point of view but also one of the motors of landscape conservation, even through landscape architecture. Research is relevant in all the disciplinary fields linked to landscape study and its evolution. Each edition revolves around a central theme; a motto is chosen according to current affairs and concerns, both professional and social, related to the landscape.

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