Future of Landscape Architecture Series: Setting the Foundations for Resilient Landscapes and Communities NewsSally RobertshawAugust 2, 2023Future of Landscape Architecture Series, Resilient communiies, resilient communities
IFLA APR Newsletter - July 2023 NewsSally RobertshawJuly 31, 2023IFLA APR Newsletter, IFLA Asia Pacific, Newsletter
U.S. Department of Homeland Security designates landscape architecture a STEM degree program NewsSally RobertshawJuly 13, 2023ASLA, Stem, Subject, Education, Landscape Architecture
Join IFLA Africa's Climate Change Working Group's webinar "Climate change, science & landscape architecture" NewsSally RobertshawJuly 12, 2023IFLA Africa, Climate Change
NetworkNature design brief series NewsSally RobertshawJuly 12, 2023NetworkNature, Design Brief, IFLA Europe
Book: Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes NewsSally RobertshawJuly 12, 2023Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes, Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo, Book
The 12th Rosa Barba Casanovas International Landscape Architecture Prize reveals its 11 finalist landscape architecture projects NewsSally RobertshawJuly 12, 2023Rosa Barba, Finalists
Watch online - IFLA 75 - The History and Impact of a Professional Network NewsSally RobertshawJuly 10, 2023MERL, AHRC, IFLA75, University of Liverpool
IFLA Africa Newsletter - July 2023 NewsSally RobertshawJuly 9, 2023IFLA Africa, IFLA Africa News, Newsletter
IFLA 75 - Webinar: The Landscape Culture Today and Tomorrow. 27th July, online NewsSally RobertshawJuly 3, 2023IFLA 75, IFLA APR, Webinar
SAVE THE DATE! ILASA's 2023 conference is set to be a Festival of African Landscape Architecture NewsSally RobertshawJune 28, 2023ILASA
2nd World Forum on Urban Forests - Pre-Forum Webinar on Health and Green Spaces NewsSally RobertshawJune 28, 2023World Urban Forest, Webinar, Health and Green Spaces
Design Competition - Museum of Natural History, Paris NewsSally RobertshawJune 26, 2023LA-Exotique, Design Competition, Museum of Natural History, Paris
PORTUSplus - Call for Papers 2023| Research Themes NewsSally RobertshawJune 25, 2023PORTUSplus, POrt, Cities, Waterfrounds, Journal
'Landscape architects must invest time and passion in addressing climate change' NewsSally RobertshawJune 14, 2023Kotchakorn Voraakhom, Climate Change, Working Group, IFLA Working Group, Lecture, University of Wellington
Changes to IFLA ExCo NewsSally RobertshawJune 14, 2023ExCo, IFLA ExCo, Allesandro, Julian, Martinelli, Raxworthy, EAA, Committee Chair