Save the date: 8 June - Online webinar on Landscape Architecture and the EU Green Deal as a part of the EU Green Week NewsSally RobertshawMay 3, 2023European Green Deal, Webinar
AJLA Issue 5 - Sense of Place in Contemporary Design NewsSally RobertshawMay 3, 2023AJLA, Sense of Place
IFLA Student Design Competition 2023 - open for submissions NewsSally RobertshawApril 17, 2023Student Design Competition, Student, IFLA 2023
IFLA 2023 World Council open for registration NewsSally RobertshawApril 17, 2023IFLA World Council, Council
IFLA 2023 Student Charrette NewsSally RobertshawApril 10, 2023Charrette, Student, Congress 2023, IFLA 2033, Stockholm, Nairobi
IFLA 2023 World Congress registration now open NewsSally RobertshawApril 5, 2023WC 2023, Stocholm, Nairobi, Registration
IFLA 2023 World Congress - call for submissions and projects - deadline extended! (Copy) NewsSally RobertshawApril 1, 2023IFLA2023, Call for papers, Call for abstracts
Webinar to share results of IFLA Global Job Task Analysis NewsSally RobertshawApril 1, 2023JTA, Survey, Global Surbey, CLARB, Task Analysis, Results
IFLA Africa Newsletter - March 2023 NewsSally RobertshawMarch 31, 2023IFLA Africa News, Newsletter, Africa
Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award - deadline extended, you now have to the 14th April to nominate NewsSally RobertshawMarch 24, 2023SGJA, Deadline, Jellicoe, Award
Save the date - ISUH 19th International Conference on Urban Health NewsSally RobertshawMarch 22, 2023ISUH, Conference, Urban Health, International Society of Urban Health
5th Urban Economy Forum + 59th ISOCARP World Planning Congress NewsSally RobertshawMarch 22, 2023UEF, ISOCARP, UEF5, WPC59
IFLA kicks off celebrations for 75th Anniversary NewsSally RobertshawMarch 14, 2023IFLA75, Anniversary
IFLA Asia Pacific LA & Luminary Awards 2023 NewsSally RobertshawMarch 9, 2023IFLA Asia Pacific, Awards, LA & Luminary