Winner of Danish Landscape Architecture Award 2019 announced
Christiansborg Palace - security measures by GHB Landscape Architects winner of Danish Landscape Architecture Award 2019. Photo: GHB Landscape Architects A/S.
Christiansborg Palace - security measures is the winner of Danish Landscape Architecture Award 2019. The award was handed over by acting Minister of Culture, Rasmus Prehn (S) at a festive event in Copenhagen while Kickstart Tornhøj in Aalborg received honourable mention.
Christiansborg Palace - security measures by GHB Landscape Architects is the winner of Danish Landscape Architecture Award 2019. The project won competing with three other finalists, chosen from a collection of 25 nominated projects. The winning project was developed in collaboration with Sweco, ÅF Consult and professor Steen Høyer with The Danish Parliament and The Agency for Culture and Palaces as client.
Kickstart Tornhøj in Aalborg by Marianne Levinsen Landscape in collaboration with Vandkunsten, Arkil and Jesper Kongshaug with The Municipality of Aalborg and Realdania as client receives honourable mention.
Steen Himmer, landscape architect MPN, The Municipality of Gladsaxe while also representing Park- og Naturforvalterne, is the jury’s spokesperson and highlights: ”The four finalists, Lines in the Landscape, Solrødgård Climate and Environmental Park, Kickstart Tornhøj and Christiansborg Palace - security measures, bear witness of how strongly Danish landscape architects stand these years. This is additionally confirmed by the vast international attention Danish landscape architecture is currently receiving. All four finalists are particularly strong candidates for Danish Landscape Architecture Award, none the less, Christiansborg Palace - security measures is a worthy winner of the award, while Kickstart Tornhøj deserves the honourable mention.”
The winning project turns future challenges in to tomorrow’s potentials
The jury motivates the winning project, which is turning the challenges of the future into tomorrow’s potentials, in the following way: “Christiansborg Palace - security measures is a project deriving from one of the greatest scenarios of fear in our time: a terrorist attach on the democracy’s most important and symbolic area, the stronghold of democracy: Christiansborg Palace. The collective fear could have found its physical form in a project, accentuating all the threats. Instead, the opposite has been chosen, creating a space that has high and sculptural quality. Very recently, the square was occupied by the climate mobilisation of thousands of young students, their presence manifesting that they still have hope and dreams for the future. So, in spite the fact that we are citizens in a world where anxiety and fear of terror – justified – exists – there is also a world where hope and dreams sprout. In addition, a vast part of the square’s pavement consists of reused cobblestones from the square’s former pavement, and by reusing stones a connection to the square’s history is creating, which is both sustainable and bears witness of remembrance. That is respectful at multiple levels.”
Honorary mention project sustain urban regeneration
Kickstart Tornhøj in Aalborg receives honorary mention and the jury motivates the acknowledgement based on the project’s holistic focus on social sustainability: “With the project security and accessibility is created for all in the suburban housing complex Tornhøj. The project convincingly shows, how we, through collaborate effort with landscape architecture as the forerunner create actual value in the society. The jury has decided to award Kickstart Tornhøj with the honorary mention based on the project value as an example in relation to strengthening the social coherence and showing how landscape architecture at a strategic and physical level can lift the context for urban life and hence contribute to the solution of one of the society’s great challenges in respect to loneliness and vulnerable neighbourhoods.”
Danish Landscape Architecture Award is presented in collaboration between Park- og Naturforvalterne, Danish Association of Architectural Firms and The Association of Danish Landscape Architects, also the secretariat of the Danish Landscape Architecture Award. Danish Landscape Architecture Award 2019 comes with a cheque of 40.000 Danish Kroner, which the acting Minister of Culture, Rasmus Prehn (S) presented to the team behind the winning project, while Kickstart Tornhøj in addition to the honorary mention received 10.000 Danish Kroner, at the celebration and debate event in the Valencia building in Copenhagen.
WINNER: Christiansborg Palace - security measures by GHB Landscape Architects.
Client: The Danish Parliament and The Agency for Culture and Palaces. GHB Landscape Architects role and services: Full-service consulting and project management including economy and time management, development of ideas, design, regulatory processing, EU call for tenders for the main contract, project follow up and professional supervision. Cooperating partners: Sweco, ÅF Consult and architect and professor Steen Høyer. Period: 2013-2019. Value of contract: 48 million
HONORARY MENTION: Kickstart Tornhøj by Marianne Levinsen Landscape.
Client: The Municipality of Aalborg and Realdania. Full-service consultant: Tegnestuen Vandkunsten. Marianne Levinsen Landscape role and services: Responsible for idea and design of urban space, landscape architecture consultancy, design and supervision. Cooperating partners: Performing / Arkild and Lighting / Jesper Kongshaug. Carried out: 2018. Area: 12.000 m2. Capital expenditure: 33 million
FINALIST: Lines in the Landscape by Rubow Architects.
Client: The Bornholm Regional Municipality. Rubow Architects role and services: Architect and landscape architect, preliminary analysis, fundraising, design and program, design, professional supervision. Cooperating partners: SYTE, NaturBornholm, Engineers NJ Cph. Funds: Nordea-fonden, Den A. P. Møllerske Støttefond, Sparekassen Bornholms Fond, Bornholms Brand, Brdr. Larsens Legat, Vanførefonden, Friluftsrådet, Fritid og Kultur Lokalrådet. Period: 2016-2019. Area affected: 290 ha. Capital expenditure: 7 mio. kr.
FINALIST: Solrødgård Climate and Environment Park by Gottlieb Paludan Architects.
Client: Hillerød forsyning. Gottlieb Paludan Architects role and services: Full-service consultancy, building design, landscape design, construction management (sub-project), project follow-up, and professional supervision. Cooperating partners: Sloth Møller
Engineering Consultants A/S and Krüger a/s. Period: 2013- 2019. Area: 510.00 m2 Capital expenditure: 120 million
Kickstart Tornhøj by Marianne Levinsen Landscape receives honourable mention at Danish Landscape Architecture Award. Photo: Marianne Levinsen Landscape.
Jury Danish Landscape Architecture Award 2019
Anne Stausholm, landscape architect mdl, Anne Stausholm Landskabsarkitekter / Danish Association of Architectural Firms
Line Toft, landscape architect mdl, maa, partner, LABLAND Architects / The Association of Danish Landscape Architects
Steen Himmer, landscape architect MPN, The Municipality of Gladsaxe Kommune / Park- og Naturforvalterne
Jane Sandberg, director ENIGMA – Museum of Post, Tele and Communication / impartial representative
Adrian Matthew Fey, co-founder, creative director at Culture Works / impartial representative
About the Danish Landscape Architecture Award
Danish Landscape Architecture Award is presented in collaboration between Park- og Naturforvalterne, Danish Association of Architectural Firms and The Association of Danish Landscape Architects also the secretariat for the Danish Landscape Architecture Award. The 2019 award is the 9th time Danish Landscape Architecture Award is being handed out. The purpose of the award is to honour excellent landscape architecture project that serve as an inspiration for the continued development of the field.
Previous winners of Danish Landscape Architecture Award are: The urban plaza in front of the golden Library and Cultural house in Copenhagen's Northwest Quarter (2017), Novo Nordisk Nature Park (2015), Rooftop Paradise (2014), Quiet Places in Silkeborg (2013), the Royal Society Gardens (2013), Hjerting Beach Park (2012), The Sculpture Garden (2011), The Måløv Axis (2010) and Over Lake and Land Tarup-Davinde (2009).