The IFLA 75th Anniversary Greenbook available to order

The IFLA 75th anniversary Green Book is a coffee table book published by ListLab that not only deals with the history and timeline of IFLA for its 75th anniversary but also shows in numerous images the landscapes of today around the globe and ventures a look into the future. In six chapters, it covers different topics.

Chapter one comprises articles on the creation of IFLA and the contribution of women in the founding years of IFLA’s network.

In chapter two, past presidents highlight their tenure and the contributions made during this time, and close colleagues share some insight on past presidents who are not with us anymore.

In chapter three, each IFLA Region chronicled their timeline and history through the eyes of its current presidents.

Chapter four portrays the people who have received IFLA’s most prestigious prize, the Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award.

Chapter five focuses on the core of our work, landscapes and landscape architecture from around the world. In the early stage of the editorial process, we launched a call for images across all our social media platforms and newsletters across all regions. We also contacted members individually to ensure we received an entry from each country in at least one category.

We received a total of 174 entries from 71 different countries across the world. In preparing the selection, we categorised the images into natural landscapes, cultural Landscapes and designed landscapes. A selection team ensured the book offered a balanced representation of all the countries. Finally, looking into the future, chapter six discusses the ideas for the next 25 years for IFLA and its regions.

The Greenbook was published and launched at the IFLA World Council meeting on the 28th September 2023 in Nairobi and Stockholm.

The Hardcover Green Book retails for 50 euros, excluding shipping costs, while the e-book retails for 35 euros, please pre-order via this form.