Shaping IFLA's Future: Your Voice Matters!

We are excited to share a significant milestone in IFLA's journey towards a stronger and more effective future. The Corporate Governance Review Working Group (CGRWG) has diligently worked to develop a proposed new governance model for our organisation. This model is designed to address the challenges we’ve identified and ensure that IFLA remains at the forefront of the landscape architecture profession. Today IFLA delegates have been contacted to ask for their feedback

Why Your Feedback is Crucial

Your insights and perspectives as IFLA delegates are invaluable to us. We believe that this new governance structure will only be successful if it truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our members. We invite you to review the proposed model and share your feedback. Your input will directly shape the final structure that will guide IFLA in the years to come.

Key Changes and Benefits

The proposed model introduces changes aimed at enhancing IFLA's efficiency, inclusivity, and responsiveness:

  • A streamlined Board of Directors for focused strategic oversight.

  • Enhanced regional representation to ensure diverse voices are heard.

  • Improved communication channels for better collaboration.

  • A clearer strategic vision to guide our actions.

These changes are designed to empower IFLA to better serve its members, advocate for the profession, and address the evolving challenges of the 21st century.

How to Get Involved

We encourage you to thoroughly review the proposed governance model and share your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. Your feedback will be carefully considered as we finalize this important initiative.

You can access the document here and leave your comments. [20240715_IFLA CGRWG_Final Report_External.docx]  

The document will remain live for two weeks, until 31 July. 

Together, we will continue to build a stronger IFLA that continues to lead and inspire the global landscape architecture community.


The IFLA Corporate Governance Review Working Group