Results of the IFLA world-level elections

Voting the the IFLA Elections have now ended and the results have been scrutinised. We are pleased to advise the results have been confirmed as:

IFLA President: Bruno Marques

IFLA Treasurer: Hermann Georg Gunnlaugsson

IFLA CER Committee Chair: Kharbal Kaltho

IFLA PPP Committee Chair: Indra Purs

IFLA EAA Committee Chair: Alessandro Martinelli

Elected officers will take up their posts immediately after the World Congress following their election with the exception of the treasurer whose duties shall commence on 1st January of the year following election to that office. Read more about our ExCo here.

As per our by-laws and rules of procedures the voting procedures, records and results will be scrutinised by two eligible IFLA Delegates (appointed by the World Council) at the first World Council meeting following the vote and the results thereafter shall be ratified by the World Council.

In the meantime we congratulate the successful candidates and express our appreciation of all the candidates who took the time to stand and be part of IFLA.