Postponement of the IFLA 2020 World Congress



The IFLA Executive has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been in contact with all of the host associations with commitments to hold IFLA world congresses.

IFLA ExCo accepts the decision of the 2020 organisers, ILAM, to regrettably cancel this year’s congress and world council meeting in Penang.

Following consultation with the Kenya/Sweden (2021), Korea (2022) and Turkey (2023) association organisers, it is agreed that the schedule for the IFLA World Congress and Council meeting be modified as follows:

2020               No congress

2021               Malaysia

2022               Korea

[2023               Sweden/Kenya*]

2024               Turkey

The dates for the 2021 Congress and World Council meeting in Penang will be announced shortly.

The IFLA Executive thanks all those involved for their understanding and foresight in arriving at this decision. The friendly and collaborative manner in which discussions have taken place reinforces the solidarity of the global landscape architectural profession and the quality of its individual leaders.

The IFLA ExCo is considering options for holding a virtual World Council meeting in September 2020. An announcement will be made to delegates and associations as soon as the committee and secretariat have identified the best way to proceed.

*TBC. This is the hoped for date, we await confirmation of this from the member associations involved.