EDAP - Landscape Architecture Educators for Latin America


 EDAP - Landscape Architecture Educators for Latin America

Event Venue and Date: 
First Part: Universidad de Lbagué 30 March to 8 April 2020
Second part: Universidad del Valle 12 to 21 October 2020

Event Description: EDAP is a capacity building Diploma course, designed by the EAA, IFLA Américas, in 2012. The purpose of the course is to give up date and exchange opportunity to Latin American educators in LA.This will be the third version of EDAP and the first two were hold in Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana in Medellín, Colombia (2012-13 and 2015). this time there is an agreement between two universities in different Colombian cities, to widen the experience. EDAP versions in Panamá and Bolivia were sketched (in 2016 and 2017) but unfortunately with no success.

The course is structured in two parts: a full time week and a half in March, and a full time week and a half in October. Inscriptions are open lecturers and public officers (all graduated professionals). There are not grants. It is expected that each university helps their participant.

For more information, write to gloria.aponte100@gmail.com