International Federation of Landscape Architects and World Green Infrastructure Network Join Forces for a Greener Future

The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on advancing the use of green infrastructure solutions for a more sustainable and resilient world.

This landmark agreement marks a significant step forward in uniting two leading organizations with shared goals of advancing landscape architecture and green infrastructure and urban nature-based solutions to promote sustainable development globally and address global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, and urban heat islands.

Dr Bruno Marques, President of IFLA, states “this partnership with the WGIN represents a powerful opportunity to amplify the voices of landscape architects and showcase their expertise in designing and implementing green infrastructure projects around the world. By working together, we can ensure that green infrastructure becomes a central pillar in building resilient and liveable communities”.

The primary objectives of this collaboration include promoting landscape architecture and green infrastructure through joint initiatives and events and advocating for policies that promote sustainable green spaces, particularly through the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the development and implementation of joint programs for capacity building, education, and professional development, as well as collaboration on research projects, publications, and knowledge exchange, will capacitate both organizations with tools and processes to defend globally the importance of landscape architecture and green infrastructure.

Dr Manfred Köhler, President of WGIN, says “we are thrilled to join forces with IFLA to leverage the combined knowledge and networks of both organizations. Landscape architects play a crucial role in translating green infrastructure concepts into tangible solutions, and this MoU will facilitate knowledge exchange, capacity building, and joint advocacy efforts to maximize the impact of our work.”

This MoU also taps into specific collaboration initiatives for both organizations, particularly in the UN-led COP events but also in disaster relief and reconstruction in war zones and conflict areas. The IFLA Landscape Architecture Without Borders are particularly thrilled with this approach. Finally, a global knowledge exchange for fostering innovation and promoting landscape architecture and green infrastructure, such as the WGIN Open Green Infrastructure and IFLA Knowledge Hub and a Joint Excellence Award, is currently being explored.

IFLA and WGIN believe that this MoU will create a powerful synergy, enabling both organizations to accelerate the adoption of green infrastructure solutions globally, enhance the professional development of landscape architects working on green infrastructure projects and advocate for stronger policies that support sustainable development and resilient communities.


About the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA):

IFLA is the only international non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting the profession of landscape architecture and advancing the quality and sustainability of built and natural environments worldwide. IFLA is the body that represents 80 national member associations across five regions (IFLA Africa, IFLA Americas, IFLA Asia-Pacific, IFLA Europe and IFLA Middle East) and more than 100,000 landscape architects worldwide. Our mission is to promote the landscape architecture profession within a collaborative partnership with the built environment professions, demanding the highest standards of education, training, research and professional practice and providing leadership and stewardship in all matters. Our strategic aim is to provide excellent services to our members and the extended family of landscape architects worldwide. As a global federation, our allies are international bodies like the United Nations, UN-Habitat, UNESCO, ICOMOS, FAO, IUCN, and WHO, as well as allied built environment international organisations, among many others, where our expertise is required.

About the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN):

WGIN is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation that advocates for the optimal use of green infrastructure in the urban built environment for the health and well-being of people and the planet. WGIN’s membership includes national and international associations advocating for the same cause, corporate actors, individual professionals working with green infrastructure, and students and emerging professionals aiming to establish themselves in the field. The WGIN membership has a broad spectrum of professional backgrounds, such as architects, landscape architects, urban planners, policy experts, engineers etc. Part of WGIN’s work is organised in regional chapters, such as the European chapter, which tracks and influences the development of GI relevant European policy. WGIN is legally registered in Slovenia. WGIN holds an annual World Green Infrastructure Congress (WGIC) as well as other regional events such as the European Green Infrastructure Day. WGIN publishes books and guidance materials and has an online lecture series targeting emerging professionals and their need for knowledge and information about green infrastructure.


Ms Sally Robertshaw, for further information