IFLA message for 2019

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A message from our President, James Hayter

The end of 2019 brings hope that many individuals, groups and some governments are taking positive action to address the crisis of climate change and loss of biodiversity. Landscape architects have the skills to change the way our cities are made by simple actions such as establishing biodiversity corridors and increasing the urban tree canopy. By declaring a climate and biodiversity emergency, and following this up by a Climate Action Plan, IFLA has provided a framework in support of the UN’s Decade of Ecological Restoration.

A strong relationship with the United Nations and its agencies is our primary aim in 2020, acting as a conduit between high level policy and research, IFLA member associations and individual landscape architects in practice. We will focus on the key issues of climate, human settlement, cultural landscapes, food security, and health and well-being. We will also promote gender equity in practice and respect for indigenous cultures.

In 2019 the global landscape architectural profession made a statement of significance in relation to climate. In 2020 we will build on this consensus, both in advocacy, sharing techniques and tools, and through examples of Climate Positive Design. We will also celebrate these examples in September 2020 in an IFLA global awards program.

Our actions on climate also affect the health of populations in all countries. IFLAs’ working group on Indigenous Ecological Corridors and Nodes addresses quality of life through stability of ecological systems. Re-making our cities to address a changed climate means more green and a balanced ecology – natural and man-made systems working together. 


These issues are not new to the landscape architecture profession. It is IFLA’s role to establish partnerships so that the considerable body of knowledge embedded in theory, research and practice can be shared globally for the good of mankind. Let us all join in this task to celebrate the achievements of 2019 and look forward to 2020 with spirit and hope.