IFLA Africa Climate Change Working Group Webinar - Costal Adaptation

IFLA Africa Climate Change Working Group #04 – Coastal Adaptation

Date: 2 April 2024

Time: 18:00 – 19:00

The second speaker is:

Charles Buchanan - Sustainable Finance, Blue Economy, Impact Investing, ESG, Fund Structuring, Fund Raising (Cape Town, South Africa)

Charles works at EY in Cape Town and is passionate about building sustainable investment sector solutions that include blue/green bonds, carbon offset instruments and other ESG related financial instruments are a particular passion. His particular expertise is in combining these funding sources with on-the-ground initiatives run by NGO's and other custodians of natural assets in suitable funding structures to enable the conservation of natural assets whilst building a sustainable economy for communities and around the region where the natural asset is located.

Other experience is in developing and implementing growth and risk mitigation strategies across SME's and global institutions including risk management that covers all aspects of risk including investment, ESG, regulatory and enterprise risk.

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