Consultation opens on 7 new global ethical principles for landscape professionals 

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Consultation opens on 7 new global ethical principles for landscape professionals  

At the 2019 World Council meeting in Oslo, the Landscape Institute proposed to IFLA delegates a process for advancing a set of principles relating to the global practice of landscape architecture. Delegates discussed the need for these principles. Importantly, the principles are not intended to take the place of an individual association, or region's, Code of Conduct or Ethics, as these are dependent on local statutes, legislatures and requirements for practice. Rather, they outline a common set of principles which can inform local practices and requirements. This is particularly useful where associations do not currently have in place a Code of Conduct or Ethics relating to the practice of landscape architecture. 

The draft principles below were prepared by the Landscape Institute in partnership with IFLA.

The new principles

Read the Global Ethical Principals for the Landscape Profession (Draft for consultation, July 2020)

There are seven principles proposed to apply to landscape practice:

1. Landscape professionals promote conservation and enhancement of the environment and quality of life for now and future generations.

2. Landscape professionals recognise the issue of climate and biodiversity emergency and practice in a manner consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

3. Landscape professionals work collaboratively with and are respectful of others and do not in their provision of landscape services unlawfully discriminate.

4. Landscape professionals comply with national and international law.

5. Landscape professionals are committed to continuing professional development and ensure they only provide services they are competent to deliver.

6. Landscape professionals deliver quality landscape services and clients and/or the public are able to provide feedback or raise issues about service.

7. Landscape professionals uphold the integrity of the landscape profession and are honest and transparent in their relationship with their national body/regulator.

Drafted by the LI, with input from IFLA, these principles combine the intentions and spirit of many current landscape associations’ codes of practice. They draw from statements of principle, good practice from other professions, and the work of the International Ethical Standards Coalition (IESC), which both IFLA and the LI support.

Share your views

We are seeking landscape architects, related landscape, parks and place professionals and their professional associations to review the latest version of these ethical principles. A consultation is now open, and running until 14th August 2020.

Complete the survey here.