Calling All Cities to Enter the AIPH World Green City Awards 2024

Designed to champion ambitious nature-orientated approaches to city design and operation, the AIPH World Green City Awards celebrate bold and innovative action that harnesses the power of plants and nature to create greener, healthier, and more resilient cities. Specifically, the Awards recognise public initiatives relying on a greater use of plants and nature to create better city environments – helping to fulfil local aspirations for improved economic, social and environmental resilience. 

Building on the impressive global reach, success, and legacy of the inaugural 2022 edition, All cities, large and small, are invited to showcase their ambitious actions fur urban nature by entering the 2024 edition. The 2024 edition of the AIPH World Green City Awards is offered in 7 categories, with 3 finalists in each category from which one category winner is selected, and with 1 Grand Winner selected from the 7 category winners.

The AIPH World Green City Awards celebrate innovation, achievement, and commitment to the globally recognised imperative to embrace nature-based solutions that harvest the power of plants and associated ecosystems services to help address the major challenges facing cities today – or tomorrow. AIPH initiated these awards in recognition of the value of plants and nature in providing solutions for common city problems and to shape and nurture a strategic shift in city governance and planning. 

Entries are compiled and submitted through a dedicated online submission portal. You can create your account and start compiling your city’s entry here. A step-by-step guide and a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available to assist in compiling and submitting entries. The deadline for submission of entries is 15th September 2023.