Call for nominations: IFLA Working Group on Education Recognition and Accreditation

IFLA is seeking nominations for members of the EAA Working Group on Education Recognition and Accreditation (ERA).

The EAA Working Group on Education Recognition and Accreditation (ERA)

Last year IFLA launched a pilot study for a global programme recognition process in China, Chile and Morocco. The Working Group will complete the pilot study, report their findings to the next IFLA World Council meeting, make the recognition process more widely available, and investigate the potential to move to a further quality benchmark standard by developing a global programme accreditation procedure. Assoc. Prof. Mike Barthelmeh will chair the Working Group.

Skills and experience sought

We are seeking nominations for people who have been involved in landscape education, have a good working knowledge of the particular character of landscape education programmes within their region, and who have an interest to consider ways in which a global benchmark standard could be used to improve the quality of landscape programmes in their region and globally.


For questions about this role please contact Dr Salma Samaha, Chair IFLA EAA Committee on

Timescales and how to apply

An IFLA Delegate or IFLA ExCo Officer may submit up to two nominations for each office – before doing this they should consult with and consider the views of your association and former Delegates.

Each Delegate or Officer making a nomination must first secure written consent from the nominee that, if nominated, they will agree to stand for such office. The Written Consent Form provided must be submitted by the Delegate or Officer making a nomination along with the signed Nomination Form, also provided, to by the deadline stated below.

Each nominee should provide the following documents:

  • C.V.

This should be sent to IFLA Executive Secretary by Tuesday 15th March 2022 19.00 CET (Brussels time)