Call for Chair of IFLA Sponsorship Working Group


The IFLA sponsorship Working Group is part of our Financial and Business planning (FBP) Committee.

This is a new working group whose aim is to lead the further development our Sponsorship strategies, secure their implementation in our organization, and lead the direct communications with potential and existing sponsors in collaboration with the President and treasurer. The Chair will work with the FPB committee and thus representatives from all IFLA Regions in the group to do this. The chair shall be fluent in English the official language of IFLA.

Find out more details about the working group and role of the chair see the application pack here.


Having read the application pack if you still need further information about the roles please contact IFLA Executive Secretary 


In accordance with the decision of IFLA World Council of 2014 and IFLA’s By Laws, Article 4.6.12. the Chair will be appointed by the members of the standing FPB Committee, for the period beginning immediately after the decision is made for a specific, pre-determined time period during which the tasks of the WG are to be progressed and completed.

An IFLA Delegate or IFLA ExCo Officer may submit up to two nominations for each office – before doing this they should consult with and consider the views of their association and former Delegates.

Please, note that no candidate may hold two world offices at the same time. Each Delegate or Officer making a nomination must first secure written consent from the nominee that, if nominated, they will agree to stand for such office. The Written Consent Form provided must be submitted by the Delegate or Officer making a nomination along with the signed Nomination Form, also provided, to by the deadline stated below.

Each nominee should provide the following documents:

  • Nomination Form

  • Written Consent Form

  • C.V.

  • Statement of Intent (500-words maximum) for the Working Group

  • Draft Action Plan for the Working Group

This should be sent to IFLA Executive Secretary by THURSDAY 27th of MAY AT 17.00 (CEST - Brussels time).