Call for Action : IFLA Member National Associations

Call for Action : IFLA Member National Associations

Over 70,000 landscape architects around the world are taking action as global citizens to limit planetary warming to 1.5° C. 

In 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported on the looming global warming crisis and the resultant impacts it will have on environments and communities throughout our world. As a response, IFLA launched the IFLA Climate Action Commitment with the belief that landscape architecture is a critical component key to solving the climate crisis in the reduction of emissions, in the resilience and transformation of human society, and in ensuring the sustainability of the natural environment.

As a creative discipline, we bring expertise on Nature-based Solutions, technological innovation, and strategic thinking that deliver for nature and people. We accelerate city afforestation to sequester carbon, generate urban biodiversity, and protect cities from extreme heat – a growing threat to human survival. Beyond urban environments, we work at all scales: global, regional, local, and human, to strengthen, protect and enhance the wider functional ecosystems. Landscape architects deliver climate solutions at scales that matter.
As our mission, landscape architects are uniquely qualified to help prevent catastrophic global environmental and societal breakdowns. Through planning, design, and management, our work protects and repairs global ecosystems; fosters human health, well-being, and happiness; cools the environment and draws down atmospheric carbon. 

Through the IFLA Climate Action Commitments (the 6 commitments), we commit to:

1. Advancing the UN SDGs
2. Attaining global net zero carbon emissions by 2040
3. Enhancing capacity and resilience of livable cities and communities
4. Advocating for climate justice and social well-being
5. Learning from cultural knowledge systems
6. Galvanizing climate leadership

It is now time to Act. IFLA is asking for your support and your actions at the IFLA World Congress in Kenya.

The questionnaire divided into 3 Parts

Please complete it here