Call for abstracts - ECLAS Conference

Regenerative Landscapes. Designing the Transition.

ECLAS Conference Call 2024. Submit abstracts until January 31, 2024.

We invite you to participate in the call for abstracts for the upcoming ECLAS conference 2024. The conference will happen at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Faculty for Architecture, and CIVA from September 7 - 10, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium.

You can find all information on the conference website:

ECLAS 2024 will discuss the capacity of landscape as an approach and a method for system design and innovation in a climate change scenario. Thinking and acting with a landscape perspective opens up opportunities for innovation. Unlocking this transformative capacity is more urgent than ever.

We invite you to share teaching, research or practice perspectives of past, present and future regenerative landscapes. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2024.

We offer seven chaired sessions plus one open track: Energy Landscapes, Mobility Landscapes, Foodscapes, Hidden Landscapes of the Global Value-Added Chain, Beyond Cheap Nature, Heritage and Identities and Democratic Landscape Transformation.

Please invite your doctoral students to participate in this call. On that basis, we will design special sessions for PhD students in close cooperation with the track chairs. There will be no separate call for doctoral students.

Please help us spreading the news on this call. Share this newsletter with your colleagues or simply reshare this Linkedin post, thanks!

We are looking forward to your ideas and proposals for ECLAS 24!

Best wishes on behalf of the ECLAS ExCO, the ULB team, the TELOS team and our partners