IFLA America
“Landscape architecture has had a presence in our continent since Frederick Law Olmsted referred to it as a profession and founded the program.”
IFLA Americas Region is integrated by the countries of the American Continent, where the most diverse landscapes can be found as well as a great diversity of cultures and heritage, from Alaska to the Patagonia, through the National Parks, the Pacific and Caribbean, the Amazonas River and the continuous high mountain chain linking the continent from the North with the Rocky Mountains to the South with the Andes Mountains.
America’s Region gathers 17 association members, from which Canada is an IFLA Founding Member. It became an IFLA Member in 1952 and since 1962 –starting Venezuela- the different countries had been affiliating to the Federation.
Landscape architecture has had a presence in our continent since Frederick Law Olmsted referred to it as a profession and founded the program. Since then, the profession has been spreading around the region and it is developing and going further in the different countries of North, Central and South America.
Nowadays education programs are wide spread with different orientations and fields of study. In North America there are 102 programs in Landscape Architecture: 50 undergraduate, 6 specialties, 44 master degrees and 2 PhD’s. Latin America offers as well several opportunities in education programs: 7 undergraduate, 14 specialties and 10 master degrees.
Our mission is to integrate the efforts of our association members in order to strengthen the landscape architecture profession.
Our vision is to have a dynamic exchange of experiences, knowledge and academic research through a communication strategy within the region and in constant exchange with the different IFLA Regions.
Since 2011 we had been working in the Latin American Initiative (LALI, by its initials in English) which is: a declaration of fundamental ethical principles to promote the recognition, valuation, protection, management, and sustainable planning of Latin American landscapes by means of the adoption of agreements (laws-accords-decrees-regulations) that recognize local, regional, and national diversity and values, tangible so much as intangible, of landscape, as well as principles and processes to safeguard it; and is part of the work we are developing together in IFLA for an International Landscape Convention.
Rafael Dodera (Uruguay) - President
Eileen Dancuart (Perú) - Secretary General
Vincent Asselin (Canada) - Treasurer
Dafne Acevedo (Guatemala) - CER Committee Chair
Maria Bellalta (USA) -EAA Committee Chair
Karla Hinojosa (Mexico) - Emerging Students and Professionals Committee Chair
Jesus Belmonte (Chile) - Professional Practice Committee Chair
AAPP - Panama
ABAP / Brazil
APAC / Central America & Caribbean
APP / Peru
ARPA - Dominican Republic
ASOPAICO / Costa Rica
AUDADP / Uruguay
BALA / Bermuda
CAAP / Argentina
CSLA-AAPC / Canada
GUATELAND - Guatemala
IAPP / Puerto Rico
ICHAP / Chile
SAP / Colombia
SAPE / Ecuador
SAPEMA / Bolivia
SAPM / Mexico
SPAP / ParaguaySVAP / Venezuela