AAPME Awards 2020

IFLA AAPME 2020 Awards - "Global Call For Resilience" 

The IFLA AAPME 2020 Awards is a prestigious global award initiated by the IFLA associations in the African, Asia-Pacific, and Middle Eastern (AAPME) regions. Since its conception in 2018, the objective of the AAPME awards is to serve as an advocacy platform for the critical responsibility of landscape architects in today's dynamic environment.  

In its second iteration, the IFLA AAPME 2020 Awards focuses on recognising exemplary projects that promote climate change adaptation, responsible practice, and the pursuit of joint efforts to address issues of resilience building. 

This year it received the highest number of entries, despite the lockdown many countries faced during the pandemic. Our awards received a total of 280 submissions. And a total of 143 entries have been recognised with an award. A big thank you to all who submitted. APR is also appreciative of all the support given by the members and presidents of national associations who are part of the jury panel.

To view the full results please click here.